Saturday, November 21, 2009

should I stay or should I go now?

Nothing says can't sleep like blogging. Something that I think we've touched on, but would be interesting to just hear what people are planning/thinking of in regards to: should I stay or should I go now? When it comes down to our choices after we all finish, it's either going to be do you TOC in the districts where its required, or do you go where there's a job (possible not the most ideal job/location) that is full time? If John Gateman says to you tomorrow "I'd like to put you on our TOC list for SD 61" and somewhere in the Yukon offers you full time in the most rural of areas, what's your choice going to be and why? I know what my decision would be, but I think it would be interesting to hear what everyone else prefers/is thinking of and why. Let the thought process begin.


  1. If it's just for next may-june after our practicum, i'd def take the full time position, then try to TOC near my family in september!

  2. i'm going. it's not even a question. but my plan is a little different - i want to teach in an international school for a couple years. maybe maple leaf schools but i'm still doing the research. ideally i'll end up in argentina or maybe africa, but i'm really not that picky. i'd like to get on any sub list (hopefully okanagan, where i'm doing my practicum) for may and june and then go overseas in august. i really don't want to get settled into a contract without traveling and having that adventure. plus i think teaching is a great way to travel because you can make some money and they cover a lot of your expenses, depending where you end up.

    anyway, that's my plan! thanks for asking the question, it's interesting to know where other people are heading.

  3. Good question. I think many of us are facing this question at the moment and a good chunk of us are feeling scared and unsettled by the amount of choice in our future.

    Personally I'd love to stay in Victoria. My family and friends are nearby and it's a beautiful city. Chances of that happening are slim.

    I'm facing a situation right now where I'd love to take on a teaching job or some TOC-ing over the next year, but I need the flexibility to take some time off throughout the year. I'm scared to get into a position where I won't be able to jump up and go if I need to.

    I'm also hoping that more provinces get on the bandwagon with the teacher mobility agreement. There is a good chance I will be relocating to another province in Canada and I want to make sure I'll be able to teach wherever I go.

  4. Hey guys and gals come to Northern BC! :)

    If I go anywhere else, I think it would be Ireland. I have no idea what the teaching situation is there but I want to go soo bad and if I go I would like to experience it from the perspective of living there rather than just doing the tourist thing. Then I will go back to Terrace and visit family/friends in Victoria/Vancouver when we have summers off!! What a sweet job we are going into:)

    As for TOCing, getting on the TOC list in Terrace is easy peasy. Getting full time work isn't as easy, but there are ways of getting work. Even if I don't get full time work I think I will stick around for a bit and see how things develop in the next few years.

  5. It would be impossible to convince me to TOC in SD 61, I would definitely choose the Yukon, especially if it was western Yukon. I am headed for a small town in Alberta, where I am thinking of substituting at an elementary French immersion school for May and June. I am also thinking of rafting all summer long, helping with outdoor ed programs in the fall and winter, doing some more substituting, gaining field experience in avalanche work, working toward avalanche forecasting and eventually teaching various avalanche and backcountry skiing courses, sometimes in French. If this doesn't seem to be working, maybe I'll go become a professional ice climber. And I'm going to sail. Often.
