Sunday, November 29, 2009

Poker Chips

I hope you all took the time to watch the rest of the Lavoie show, it really helped me to get a little perspective on the students that will be sitting in our classroom everyday.

His poker chip analogy is so helpful. Self-esteem is such a touchy issues these days, and often when it is addressed it is addressed in such a fluffy manner that it doesn't really get us anywhere. I think its important that we think of our students (particularly our LD students) as having a certain number of poker chips and that it is our job to give them enough to ensure that they can do the tasks that they need to do.

1 comment:

  1. I watched all of this while sick at home and it was amazing. The chips analogy ya it was amazing. Really hits home about how one person who just doesn't get special needs students can absolutely impact their day. The time-out use really hit me and I didn't realize that. Go figure that we've been using time-out wrong for ages, now I know. I wish someone would have shown us this video sooner, like in second year. That would have hit home nice and early.
