Monday, November 16, 2009

middle sexes documentary

So, this link is a bit random but still interesting. In our section of the philosophy class there was a presentation on heterosexism and homophobia - one example they used was how you might have a student who doesn't use the bathroom all day because they don't know if they should go into the girls room or the boys room. I think to a lot of us that seemed a little bit crazy, but it does happen and I know I don't feel ready to deal with that kind of tough situation. But I'm starting to think about it, about a lot of those oneina situations that we don't really get to talk about and dig into in any of our courses.

Anyway, someone recommended this documentary to me and I thought of that class and figured I should post it up here. The whole thing is good but if you only have a minute I'd start it at 6:30ish and just watch the last 90 seconds.

Click here to watch it.

It's from an HBO documentary called Middle Sexes: Redefining He and She and deals with issues related to gender and sexual identity/orientation. Watch it.


  1. Thanks for bringing this up Taryn. I think it is a growing issue because we know that the LGBT community is growing. With this growth, come issues and as teachers, we need to make ethical decisions about how to deal with these issues.

    FOr example--tolerance requiers understanding. Our schools claim to support tolerance and diversity, but without teaching understanding. Should teachers teach LGBT issues in class if they aren't explicitly written in the IRPs? Some parents would say "no." "Doing so," some parents feel, "would promote homosexuality."

    I came across another ethical situation when I was lifeguarding at the pool a few weeks back. It was a really interesting situation. The Martlet wanted a zillion LGBT articles this week because tomorrow's trangendered day of rememberance, so I wrote about his issue. Can you read my article and tell me how you'd address this situation??

    Here's the article:

    ***PLUS, there are loads of other articles about transgendered issues in the Martlet... read some! You might learn a bit, and you'll be supporting emerging student writers at the same time!

  2. Hey Caitlin I just read your article and it is great. I just came across a youtube video on those Thai washrooms you mentioned in that article this evening so I thought I'd post the link in case anyone else is interested in seeing it. It's only about a minute long but is great because it demonstrates that in Thailand they are actually DOING something about this issue rather than just talking about it. I wonder how long it will take for the Western world to figure this out...
