Friday, December 18, 2009

Using Stories to teach

In my experiences, I've always been a fan of explaining things through the use of examples and stories. Though, I'm not exactly the best at doing myself in big groups, I've always liked it when teachers use either stories or really practical examples in their lessons. In particular, stories work really well with teachers who've either had a lot of experience (and thus have lots of examples to work from), or teachers who have done a lot of interesting things in their life. For example, one of my english teachers in high school had worked extensively overseas in Europe and elsewhere in the world. As such, in his classrooms he was always relating things in class to his explorations in greek caves, and adventures driving across Italy. Though, I don't exactly have the experience, or breadth of worldly knowledge that these teachers had, it is my hope that one day I can use these teaching techniques myself.

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