Thursday, December 3, 2009

Teaching Tip: Using your voice for control

I'm not saying this will work for every group of students...
To get your student's focus, start talking really quietly- most kids will catch on and will be really quite so that they can hear you and your next instruction.... The kids that are trying to listen will sometimes pipe up and tell the noisy kids to be quiet (peer pressure) OR the noisy kids will figure it our that it's time to listen when they are the only one talking and they quickly become quiet. Next time they don't want to be embarrassed by being the only one talking.
Even my university prof uses this technique because her voice is so quiet. The only way you can hear her is if you are absolutely silent! It can work really well with some groups. You can change the tone of your voice from loud to quiet and visa versa to sell the major points of the lesson...try it younger kids I coach really buy into it. If you (the teacher) are excited, it can transfer the energy to the kids.

Be wise when you try to implement this technique, you wont get the music student's attention if the room is loud with belting music if you just start whisper ..and the same in a noisy gym

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