Monday, December 7, 2009

My Teaching Tip

One teaching strategy that I observed during my 2-week practicum last year was the use of music in the PE classroom. It was used as a reward and it is one that the students really seemed to value. And it's super easy to implement and you don't have to get into the whole tussle of do I give them candy or don't I because let's be honest they're not gonna really give 'er for a carrot but they will for some candy. But then you have the dilemma about health. Which is why I thought that music was awesome. So all they would do is play music in the background when doing other activities. For instance the class I observed they were playing 'Dodgeball' (don't tell Sandy and Viv!) and when the class started to get a bit rowdy they would just remind them that if they didn't behave they wouldn't get music and they seemed to straighten up their acts. Then they would play the music while they were playing and then if they had anything to say they would quickly turn the music off, expalin or say whatever they needed to say, and then turn the music back on. So quite an effective tool in my opinion.

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