Sunday, October 18, 2009

So far so good

I am loving my observations so far, despite how hectic and busy they have been. I've found that I haven't had any time to observe non-music classes, just because the timetable is so full of music.

I had said that I was going to address classroom management in the discussion and I would still like to. All of the bands at Reynolds have over 80 students in them, a management nightmare!! (On a side note, on the days that the students aren't in band they have PE, there the same kids are split into 3 different classes, consider yourself lucky PE teachers out there!) I'm really nervous about having to deal with classroom management and my sponsor teacher seems to be a bit nervous about this in front of the class as well. He doesn't seem to have any good strategies for preventing the students from talking and playing in between instructions/pieces and even ensuring that the students are always playing when they should be (you can barely see what all of them are doing from the podium). Which leads to making me more nervous knowing that there aren't strategies in place already. Management is going to be by far my biggest issue in the classes and I'd really like to hear what other people suggest and recommend, no matter what your subject area.

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