Saturday, October 17, 2009

Middle School

The first week of observation is over! This week made me realize that I do not remember my transition years (ie: Middle School) as well as I thought I did. Honestly a lot of the kids are little monsters. Some are cute, quite and harmless others are wolves dressed in children's clothing, they smell bad and they bite. When I say they smell bad, I mean they REALLY smell bad!
As far as the hours that I spent at school the first couple of days were a piece of cake, because I got to go home early. However starting next week its pretty much 7:30- 3:30 every day. Observing the classes wasn't what I expected. I did not know that there was a student teacher currently at the school and I didn't find this out until right before I arrived. Watching the student teacher has given me a different perspective on teaching but I am hoping to see more of my sponsor teacher teach this coming week. I guess I should mention that Karen is "piggy backing" with me for my observation because she couldn't make it to hers in Vernon.
I have realized that classroom management is really going to be something that I will need to develop during my practicum. It seems like its even more important to teach them to be good than to teach them the actual subject. Most of the music classes are spent trying to get the kids to behave, stop talking and listen.
Thursday morning I had a chance to teach a beginners brass sectional, which I thought went very well. I had little to no problems with poor behaviour but this was probably due to the fact that I was new and they didn't really know me. Most of the kids seemed very interested in learning to play their instruments.
Karen and I were fortunate enough to sit in on some other classes. Caroline, teaches stage band, choir, art regularly and she teaches french and language arts to a class on fridays. We were able to sit in on the language arts class. I had the opportunity of helping an LD kid with the assignment that the class was working on. After language arts the kids had PE. Oh my goodness, what a gong show. Two classes occupied the gym together. They were bouncing off the walls! Overall I have been learning a lot about these creatures we call "Middle School" students. Who knows what next week will bring.

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