Sunday, September 27, 2009

Health Education

Another method of helping our students prevent the escalation of abuse is through "health education."

As has already been said, numerous times, healthy lifestyles begin with our scholastic system. One of the best places to prevent risky behavior, to educate about healthy behavior, and to get kids (and their parents) thinking about health, is the classroom. Some outlines for teaching health are listed in the PLOs for Health and Career studies, a compulsory class from kindergarten to grade 9. In elementary school, teachers can either teach health as an entity to unto itself, or incorporate it into any number of other subject areas, as long as it receives 45 hours of instructional time. If taught successfully, a grade 9 student should be able to think critically about abusive situations and should have the problem solving skills to find the resources he/she needs. One resource may be the teacher or guidance counselor.

You can access the website for Health and Career education at

1 comment:

  1. For some reason the hyper-link didn't work. Here it is again:
